Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Breakfast Addict

Currently I am crazy over these two foods for breakfast. The most important meal of the day has never been so delicious.

Froot Loops are the best. Soy milk makes them even better.

Try this: Toast your favorite bread (I use whole wheat bread) and spread a generous amount of Nutella on top of it, then chop some fresh strawberries and just put it all over the bread. It's addictive!

Actually, those two can be my meal any time of the day. I love them that much!



  1. Hi...
    salam kenal...saya putri...
    resep roti diatas bikin addict!!! love it!!
    tq yah

  2. Hai Putri! Iya kaaannn? Aku juga suka banget! Terima kasih kembali.. :)

  3. aaacch Froot loops,,aku suka sekali si froot loops
    ech aku ada resep variasi si froot loops, nanti aku posting di blog ya,,,
    enak ya pake susu kedelai?, jadi pengen coba
